Some of you may have noticed, I have been sharing many sensation images lately on social media. If you have not worked with me, you may wonder why: According to neurosciences, mental imagery influences cognitive processes in the brain: attention, perception & motor control.
~Imagery can support the neural pathways involved in your movement.

Illustration by Eric Franklin 2013; The ©Franklin Method's Dynamic Neurocognitive Imagery (DNI)™ systematic method,
For example, if your desire is to feel release and freedom in your shoulders or scapula then use an image that nurtures that sensation. Combine that image with movement and a bit of anatomical knowledge about your scapula and you will be on your way to freedom of movement! Although the idea itself seems simple, it is a process that takes time and practice.
~ To develop neural pathways, you must repeat new challenges, a new way of thinking and moving; practicing movement with Awareness, Knowledge & Imagery.
It is said that with consistent focused practice, it takes 66 days to change a habit, which signifies a change in neural pathways. If you’ve got 66 days, I’ve got plenty of tools & knowledge to guide you in unclenching existing movement and welcome in fresh freeing supported movement.
~ Imagery is just one tool to promote neural pathways of freeing unclenched movement.
Dana D. LaSota, MS
Explore Movement & Imagery in a 30- minute Zoom Session